13 September 1 PM -2 PM
The film follows bright-yet-irreverent Elliott (Maisy Stella), an 18-year-old girl who comes face-to-face with her older self (Aubrey Plaza) during a mushroom trip the summer before college. Through Elliot’s funny and earnest journey of self-discovery and first love, she must decide if she’ll take her own advice to change her life before leaving her childhood home. The Hollywood Reporter called it a “warm blend of comedy, romance and whimsical collapsed-time fantasy” and highlighted Park’s distinguished voice as both a writer and director.
A seasoned film and television actor, Park made her feature directorial debut in 2022 with The Fallout starring Jenna Ortega, Maddie Ziegler and Julie Bowen. The film, which she also wrote, received the Grand Jury Prize and the Audience Award for Narrative Feature at the 2021 SXSW Film Festival, as well as the festival’s Brightcove Illumination Award for Park’s screenplay. New York Times included The Fallout among their Critic’s Pick list and Park was included in Variety’s coveted annual “10 Directors to Watch for 2022.”
For this Spotlight Event, Park will discuss balancing comedy and tragedy, redefining the coming of age genre, creating a visual style that enhances your tone, and getting powerful performances.