Upcoming Deadlines:
- September 10, 2024
- January 8, 2025
- April 1, 2025
The Eurimages Co-production Support Fund is an initiative designed to support independent filmmakers working on co-productions between at least two member countries. As Canada is also a member, Canadian production companies can now apply for this fund to collaborate on projects with European partners. This funding covers feature-length films, documentaries, and animation projects.
Who is it for?
This fund is available to Canadian production companies working in collaboration with production companies from other Eurimages member countries. Eligible projects must meet the co-production requirements, and at least 50% of the project financing must be confirmed in each co-producing country by the time of application.
How to Apply:
- Submit your application online through the Eurimages platform.
- Ensure that all co-producers sign the required exclusion declaration.
- Include details on sustainable production measures and provide a Producer’s Note of Intention highlighting the business and production aspects of your project.
- Confirm your financing sources, budget, and team involvement with local communities or gender equality measures.
The Eurimages Co-production Support Fund typically provides soft loans or subsidies that can cover up to 17% of the total production budget for eligible projects
The specific amount depends on the project’s budget and the number of co-producing countries involved. For larger co-productions, Eurimages focuses on fostering international collaborations by ensuring a substantial portion of the budget is supported, especially in multi-national co-productions.