Rolling deadline application process. Accepting applications until funding is depleted, or until March 1, 2025, whichever comes first.
Program Overview
The ISO is offering Travel Funding to support Indigenous screen-based creatives for activities that require travel including festival and market attendance, conferences, community engagement, training opportunities, and artistic screen-based collaboration across Canada and internationally.
This funding is designed for:
- Indigenous individuals who have a track record of working in screen-based content whose career and professional network would benefit from the proposed travel;
- Emerging talent who can leverage a festival/conference/workshop into new learning opportunities, experiences, or professional development;
- Established Indigenous screen-based creators and Indigenous-owned production companies who are executing an international, or new market strategy, and whose business would benefit from the proposed activities.
Application limits: For each project you can apply for up to 1 domestic premiere and 1 international premiere and possibly one more industry activity. (i.e. panel).
Program Summary
Supports travel for festival and market attendance, conferences, community engagement, training opportunities, and artistic screen-based collaboration across Canada and internationally.