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Logo + Name Usage Guidelines 

Upon approval, the Creative Pathways™️ logo may be used on websites, emails, stationery, collateral, and promotional materials. 

The logo must link to the Creative Pathways home page if used on a virtual site. The logo must be used in its entirety and may not be altered in any way, including proportion, color, element, type, etc., except with express permission from Creative BC  

The Creative Pathways™️ logo  may not be used to imply an endorsement by Creative Pathways™️, except with express permission from Creative BC. 

The logo may not be used in any disparaging materials about Creative BC or about another company, organization, or individual. For additional details regarding acceptable use, please contact Creative BC at brand@creativebc.com

Creative Pathways™️ sponsors may download the approved logos by clicking on the below links.   

Download Creative Pathways™️ Logos

.zip file

Unapproved Usage  

Creative Pathways reserves the right to disallow any use of the logo or name. To report a misleading use of the logo or affiliation, please contact Creative BC at brand@creativebc.com.  


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