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Home $ Equity $ Definitions and Data Collection

Definitions and Data Collection

What gets measured gets done

Working for equity in B.C.’s motion picture industry

Recognizing that diversity and inclusion efforts lead to greater equity, the industry is taking deliberate action to increase participation of people from systemically excluded groups into the workforce. Understanding this work requires us to define terms and explore the types of data that can show progress over time.

Underrepresented, systemically excluded groups

Although there is not yet an industry standard and language is evolving, our working practice is to support the development of people who identify with the following characteristics (including those with multiple characteristics, or “intersectional” characteristics). This upholds the Equality Rights outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

There are many characteristics based upon which systemic barriers and a historic lack of access to opportunity have been based. While Creative Pathways proactively considers all marginalized groups, it places priority on support for people who are:


  • Indigenous
  • Black 
  • People of Colour
  • People living with a disability
  • Women

 *We acknowledge that language is rapidly evolving when describing persons from underrepresented groups. We also acknowledge that comparisons can be problematic due to the complexity of historic injustice and there may be need for an adjusted approach for some communities.

Why self-identification data collection is important

Creative Pathways will offer applicants the option to voluntarily self-identify their personal characteristics. The purpose of collecting this information is to improve equity, diversity and inclusion within our motion picture workforce, and more broadly, within the creative sector we serve.

Self-identified data about personal characteristics will be collected and stored in secure Canadian servers within Creative BC and in compliance with its published Privacy and Collection of Information practices.

Creative Pathways acknowledges that language and terms are changing and that our population is made up of many unique individuals. Wherever possible, data collection will aim for consistency and comparability while being flexible to accommodate evolving language.

Please consult the resources below to learn more about evolving measurement practices in the motion picture industry.

How different organizations are contributing to measurement 

National and global examples of industry trends and best practices toward measurement are emerging. For a comprehensive overview of this practice in Canada, a report from the Racial Equity Media Collective titled ” Evaluating Racial Equity in Canada’s Screen Sector” provides an overview of the challenges in this emerging practice.

The report below generated by the Canada Media Fund’s (CMF) Equity and Inclusion in Data Collection round table speaks to the changing nature of terminology and recommends best practices. Their “Persona ID” is their branded data collection tool.

Also below are links to WarnerMedia’s 2020-2021 Equity and Inclusion Report and Netflix’s Inclusion Report, other resources to learn more about how major studios and streamers integrate equity and inclusion in their global operations.

For the animation, visual effects and post production industries, HR Tech Group in B.C. is also helping employers in the tech industries, including creative tech, to take steps toward measurement.

Did you know?

Based on a recent Labour Market study (2019) undertaken by B.C.’s motion picture industry, a survey of B.C.’s below-the-line workforce showed that not all populations are fully participating in B.C.’s motion picture workforce, with People of Colour and Women both participating at 14% below the workforce average.


Fewer women workers

Fewer racialized workers

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