NEW 2025 Dates Added for Professional Development Programs

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Submit an Opportunity

Thank you for providing brief and timely information about upcoming events, training and/or job postings.

"*" indicates required fields

Basic information

Character count: total characters including spaces approx 45
Character count: total characters including spaces approx 95. This is your call to action.
Please summarize the event, course or job posting at a high level.
Start date (of training course, for example).
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Finish date (of training course, for example).
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Start Time
Finish time
How the user can access your opportunity (in the case of training, event, or program)
Frequency of training, event or program.
Delivery Method*
Character count: total characters including spaces approx 250. If online, please type online.
Please choose the category that best matches your post. One category only please.
General tags*
Department tags

Supporting Assets

URL that you want users to land on for further information to register for a course, an event, read the report, purchase the workbook, etc.
Specifications: .png file preferred, or .jpeg with white background
Accepted file types: jpg, png, jpeg, Max. file size: 1 MB.
This image can be used to promote your event or course, please provide appropriate images and include a photo credit where applicable. Specifications: small file size under 400kb with no text or graphic design over image. Recommended size in pixels: 2114px * 1024px
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Please include photographer credit. Character count: total characters including spaces approx 150
Graphic for your event or course, as applicable. Specifications: small file size under 400kb with no text or graphic design over image. Recommended size in pixels: 1144px * 516px
Accepted file types: png, jpg, jpeg, Max. file size: 1 MB.
Please include photographer credit. Character count: total characters including spaces approx 150

Submitted by

Time Sensitivity

Does this opportunity have a time-sensitive deadline?*

Submission Confirmation

Submission Compliance
I hereby declare and warrant that to the best of my knowledge, the information contained herein is true and complete and in accordance with the law. Further, I authorize Creative BC to contact sources necessary to verify the contents of this submission.
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